Sunday, 22 January 2012

Dissidia Ninja Friend Card Walkthrough

To unlock the ninja friend card (lv100 onion knight) from the main menu you go to: Communications mode--= Friend card settings--= edit message and write the following code: For JP: H4NA53NJRE9 For US: 2748173856 The ninja friend card has the Noah's Lute accessory equipped which you need to create ultima weapon but in order to get it you need to have bought "Trade Component Drop OK" under the system tab in the PP catalog. You also need to have a character at level 100 (I chose cloud but you should use the character that you can control best) you might also consider trading the "sunrise" and "moonrise" from the shop since they increase your battlegen rate by 1.2x and 1.5x. =--Walkthough--= First of all you need to know what you can get from this friend card. firsly there is the Noah' lute which is explained above. in the JP version he equips the adamant vest which gives HP +2717 but in the US version however he equips the onion knight's ultimate weapon (onion sword) as well as brigandine which also give HP +2717. Seyditz (US not sure if also in JP) is also a valuable Bangle to get with DEF+72 and HP+307. To get any of these items you need to have high LUK but anything above 84 is pointless (read Fallacies' guide for more info: Now onto how to defeat Onion knight. Basically he has 2 BRAVE sword attacks that he uses very often as well as 2 magic attacks. The 2 sword attacks are the ones that you should be concerned about since they hit very fast and are also ...

Related : Garmin n??vi 295W

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